Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi eu nulla vehicula, sagittis tortor id, fermentum nunc. Donec gravida mi a condimentum rutrum. Praesent aliquet pellentesque nisi.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec maximus tellus libero, eu gravida tellus eleifend quis. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur eu tincidunt lorem. Vivamus quis dictum massa. Proin vel nunc mi. Ut arcu nisi, laoreet vitae tincidunt vel, vehicula vel diam. Donec blandit vestibulum felis, quis bibendum mauris accumsan ut. Praesent fermentum nibh id tellus pellentesque, ut malesuada nulla dapibus. Aenean eget auctor mi. Etiam nec elementum orci.

Cheval Noir Saint-Émilion The Mähler-Besse family knows the terroir in Saint Emilion extremely well and has worked closely with the best partners there to produce great wines. Present in Saint Emilion since 1937 with the acquisition of Château Cheval Noir, Mähler-Besse consolidated their position in this appellation with the purchase of Château La Couronne in 1992. Cheval Noir Saint Emilion is a blend made from a meticulous selection of lots from our estates and partner winegrowers. The grapes come from clay-limestone and siliceous-gravel plots in Saint Emilion that produce elegant, fruity wines year in and year out. Contributing his considerable experience and know-how, Hubert de Boüard – oenologist and co-owner

Château Cheval Noir First known under the name Cheval Noir in 1895, this property is one of the oldest in Saint-Émilion. Château Cheval Noir was purchased in 1937 by the Mähler-Besse family. This was their first vineyard acquisition. Located in close proximity to the most famous estates in Saint-Émilion, Château Cheval Noir produces outstanding wine. Hubert de Boüard (well-known oenologist and co-owner of Château Angélus, a Premier Grand Cru Classé and neighbour of Cheval Noir) has shared his expertise to make Cheval Noir for the past several years. The Château Cheval Noir vineyard consists predominantly of Merlot vines planted over 50 years ago on siliceous soil overlaying ironpan. This 5-hectare